
Skyline offers cloud services through this contract.

Vendor Information

Skyline Technology Solutions, LLC

Vendor ID: 1371494684
HUB Type: Non HUB Hub
Contract Status: Active

Vendor Contact:

Megan Orcutt
Phone: (443) 763-4281
Fax: (410) 787-2551

DIR Contact:

Contract Overview

Skyline Technology Solutions, LLC offers cloud services including Miscellaneous as Service through this contract (DIR-CPO-5189). Customers can purchase directly through this DIR contract. Contracts may be used by state and local government, public education, other public entities in Texas, as well as public entities outside the state.

Miscellaneous as a service includes VIAAS, Our Cloud-Based video Surveillance platform (Claris), VMSaaS, Video Management as a service, Such as Genetec Security Center products, as well as PAMaaS, Privileged Access Management as a service such as Delinea PAM products. Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS)and Miscellaneous as a Service (MaaS) experience.

With over 31,000 live IT network assets under management, Skyline has proven experience providing expert IT network support including network design & engineering. The depth and breadth of Skyline’s experience includes managing various platforms as a service (PAAS) environments and Miscellaneous as a Service (MAAS), which includes carrier class networks, applications, servers and storage.


Get a Quote or Place an Order

  1. Contact email or call Megan Orcutt at (443) 763-4281
  2. Generate a purchase order made payable to Skyline Technology Solutions, LLC and you must reference the DIR Contract Number DIR-CPO-5189 on your purchase order.
  3. E-mail or fax your purchase order and quote form to your designated vendor sales representative.
  4. View our pricing with disounts listed: STS_563_Pricing Sheet.


All Skyline equipment installed as part of a new installation is warranted for parts and
labor for one calendar year from the first day of beneficial use unless otherwise noted. All warranty
work shall be performed during normal business hours of 8AM to 5PM EST Monday through Friday
except State & Federal Holidays. It is our policy to exclude from coverage and/or support, any
equipment that has been provided & installed by Skyline if that equipment has been serviced,
altered, changed, upgraded or added on to, by any person or entity other than an authorized Skyline
employee. Repairs made necessary by violation of this policy will be billable at prevailing rates. No
additional warranties are provided for existing equipment utilized unless specifically included herein.

Using DIR Cooperative Contracts saves time and money. Learn more by visiting the Cooperative Contracts webpage.


Discover how Skyline can help co-create value for your organization.